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Executive Summary for 2008
a cut-to-the-chase report on how your donations were invested

  • Youth Leaders Taught in Workshops: 1525 (see below for details)

  • Youth Leaders Mentored: 20

  • Students Trained in Accredited Institutions: 7 in person + 9 via internet (**notes below)

  • Publications &/or Web Sites: 2 (web sites)

    • Number Using those Publications/Web Site: 69,814/month (average of 2,311 unique users per day)

  • New Books/Brochures/Videos Produced: 4 (**see notes below)

  • Nationals Interested in Becoming Missionaries: 1 (now in Ukraine)

  • Decisions for Christ: 1

  • Small Groups Established: 1

  • Partnerships with other Organizations &/or Movements: 9 (** list & details below)

    • Positions of Formal Leadership Held: 2 (Subset of above)

[-- End of Executive Summary. What follows is a more detailed accounting, or go here for stories --]

Review of Ministry Objectives

Our stated objectives for 2008 are in gray
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Accomplishment of those objectives in red

By the end of (EO) Dec. '08, mentoring and experience-based training provided for 30 hand-picked youth leaders from a variety of Latin American countries as part of the two-week long Raices (Roots) youth pastoring experience in Costa Rica.
Accomplished with 25 leaders from 12 different countries.

By EO Feb. '08, our new Spanish language youth ministry textbook published and accompanying youth ministry training course made available on line.
Accomplished 100%, but through reasons beyond our control the book wasn’t published until June & the web site wasn’t ready until November.

By EO March '08, Gulick deployment and setup in Buenos Aires, Argentina, completed in order to begin work as spiritual directors for the "Instituto Especialidades Juveniles" (Youth Specialties Institute). We arrive in Argentina on Feb 12th, and will be focused on "moving in" until the IMT retreat in late March.

By EO Jul. '08, in preparation for our leadership role in the EJ Institute, our personal training completed in the techniques of experiential learning and life-on-life mentoring through serving as a mentor couple for the 5 week OC Internship program.
Accomplished. The program was very helpful in our development and the experience was a highlight of our year.

By EO Dec. '08, up to 500 youth leaders trained in biblical principals of discipleship during a 2.5 day, Especialidades Juveniles International Youth Ministry Convention in Guatemala and a 3.5 day Raices seminar in Lima, Peru.
Accomplished and exceeded. We ended up adding two conferences so trained a total of 1105 leaders by the end of '08.

By EO Aug. '08, appropriate promotion accomplished of the EJ Institute plus our new youth ministry text book and online youth ministry training course through our participation in the major youth leaders' training events in Guatemala and Peru.
Accomplished and exceeded. The books sold out within hours at each one of the events. Additionally we were asked to do a presentation about the book for the vendors (at one of the book's distributors) in Argentina so that they could better position the book.

By OE Sept. '08, up to 250 youth leaders trained in biblical principals of discipleship during a 2.5 day convention in Mendoza, Argentina, sponsored by EJI.
Accomplished and exceeded. In four venues we taught 400 leaders.

By EO Oct. '08, the IMT Fall Retreat hosted through arrangements for venue, lodging and other particulars in cooperation with our IMT director.
Not accomplished (utter failure and humiliation:-)). With understanding and foresight, our team suggested another venue for the meeting.

By EO Dec. '08, four select youth trainers mentored to train others through our utilizing primarily the Internet (chat, voice and email) and secondarily personal contact.
Accomplished. In all honesty we didn’t “choose” them and then direct them into this but here are some specifics about how people we have built into face to face and keep up with online are training others: One of our protégées is director of the extension program for the Presbyterian Seminary in Mexico City, another (who we got to know at the event in January) mentors teens online and has joined an international mission board so he can move to Argentina in ’09 to work with us and the institute here, another is now lead mentor and a professor at a worship school in Chile and another is developing the curriculum for online youth ministry program in Chile.

By EO Dec. '08, the Spanish language website,, maintained and improved. There are currently around 70,000 unique visitors per month.
Accomplished. God blessed us with a specific donation for a much needed upgrade to the web site, which has allowed us to hire some new staff and lay out plans for significant changes that will happen in ’09.

By EO Dec. '08, foundational team building steps completed for the development of the first phase of the E.J. Institute, including the matters of funding, curriculum, location and facilities, establishment of institutional and church relations, and selection of teaching staff.
In process. This has gone slower than expected, primarily due to administrative complications and the lack of infrastructure, but things are moving ahead steadily in Argentina now that we have a director here. Classes should begin August 3, ’09.

By EO Dec. '08, personal relationship with our supporters strengthened via monthly prayer letters, e-mails, our blog, phone calls and face-to-face contacts.
Completed, though we fear the decrease in frequency in hardcopy newsletters has affected our less Internet-centric friends and family members.

** Additional Notes:

Annette formed part of the team who wrote Raices: La Pastoral Juvenil en Profundidad, as well as Consejos Desde En Frente and she is also one of 3 columnists in Youth Specialties' Spanish-language journal for youth workers, Lider Juvenil, which is distributed throughout the continent. And last but not least, Annette’s online book "La Iglesia Portatil" (The Mobile Church) has a consistently increasing audience.

We taught a intensive 3-credit class on youth ministry at the Seminary Internacional Bautista Teologico in Buenos Aires (the seminary which will provide the accreditation for the youth ministry institutes) for 7 undergraduate level seminary students. And developed the courseware for an accredited bachelors/masters level course on youth ministry which was taught online to 9 people from 7 countries.

** Partnerships: this is a list of the partnership relations we worked with during 2008 including the name of the group and nature of involvement.

1. Raices (Board of directors)
2. Youth Specialties, Latin America (associates)
3. Youth Specialties Institute, Argentina (Launch team staff; and Spiritual Directors, once they open)
4. Seminario Internacional Teologico Bautista (associates, professors)
5. Miami International Seminary (helped produce one of their youth ministry courses, and fund a professor)
6. CMA–Peru (collaborated with them on training their youth leaders)
7. LAGRAM (trainers, associates)
8. La Red, San Andres (associates, working on a tutoring project with them)
9. La Red, Bolivia (training/mentoring associates)
10. IASYM - Int'l Association for the Study of Youth Ministry (members

** Countries where we worked during 2008:

  • USA (mentoring training)
  • Guatemala (teaching at youth leaders convention + mentoring)
  • Costa Rica (mentoring of youth leaders + training of trainers)
  • Bolivia (training at national youth leaders convention)
  • Peru (youth leadership training congress)
  • Chile (mentoring)
  • Argentina (mentoring, teaching and training)
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