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family at front door

We met the twins Guadalupe (“Lupita”) and Vicky through their mother Maria. We have seen them only a few times over the past five years but their story will give you a snapshot of a fairly common life of a young Mexican girl.

Lupita and Vicky are some of the youngest in a large family. When we met, their youngest brother was a toddler, while their older siblings were married with families of their own. Due to their father’s many extramarital affairs the twins probably also have a number of half brothers and sisters.

kids after school

After graduation from junior high school the girls went to work. I don’t know if they took the entrance tests for the public high school system, didn’t appear in the acceptance list, and knew their parents could never send them to a private school, or if they saw no reason to keep going to school. But for whatever reason, they both got jobs a small factory near their home that makes the soles for shoes.

After about a year Lupita wanted to find a new job with more constant work and better pay. She found work at a factory in the industrial part of town. Since she would have to leave home in the dark for her long bus ride to work, Maria insisted that Vicky take a job in the same factor so they could travel together for safety.

A new world youth - a bite to eatopened up to the twins. They made friends from outside of their neighborhood and family. One Friday Lupita left work with a girlfriend and didn’t call or come home for days. Neither Vicky nor Lupita’s boyfriend knew where she had gone. Finally the friend’s parents called to say that the girls had called. They were with two boys and would come home the next Friday. Maria was frantic. She didn’t know if Lupita was staying away from home of her own free will or against it.

When Lupita showed up, she was terrified of her father. He claimed that she had disgraced the family and insisted that the two marry immediately [assuming that they’d slept together.] In tears, Lupita collected her clothing and immediately moved in with the guy’s family. They married soon afterward and within a few months were expecting a baby. Maria is concerned because when they met, Lupita’s husband had recently returned from working in the States and said he would soon go back there to work. Fortunately, it seems like he and his family treat her well and he hasn’t left yet.

waiting for their tacos (background)

Two months after this stressful situation Vicky got pregnant. Maria was astounded because she was never wild or even had a boyfriend. All she would say about the father is that he drives a taxi, is married, and has a family. We suspect she was raped as she traveled alone to or from work, but a poor girl would not get justice even if she accused him. Vicky’s father was so furious that he stopped speaking to her and soon afterward, in a drunken rage, fought with his adult sons, and moved out. So Vicky now stays home and takes care of her baby and little brother so her mother can work more.

These girls had a better life than many Mexican girls because they know their father, have a loving supportive mother, and a junior high education. They will probably end up with lives very much like that of their mother, and her mother before her. But our hearts long for girls like Lupita and Vicky to find abundant life, both in knowing the One who gives it and in being able to choose what their life here on earth will look like.


Tim and Annette

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