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A Letter to Share Owners

Because you invest in our work--caring about us, praying for us, and giving to us--in a very real way you share ownership in any results that God works through Tim and me. We know that there are an overwhelming number of very good people and organizations that you could invest in and we are honored and grateful that you have chosen to invest yourself in what we are doing. As a share owner you have the right to know the return on your investment. Our monthly updates are designed to help keep you abreast of what is happening in our lives and ministry. We hope this annual report encourages you as you see all that God has done through our shared efforts.

Annette & Tim Gulick (Missionaries - OC International)

1999 Share Owner Annual Report Ticker Symbol: OCI

Dividends We believe that ministry normally pays dividends eternally, and it is impossible to measure the true impact of our lives and work. But because we set both long and short term goals and objectives, there are annual dividends that we can measure from this last year.

People taught at 5 large conferences............. 410

People trained in 4 small regional meetings.... 55

Active Bible lessons for youth - written and published.... 28

Bible & Discipleship Studies - translated and published....35

Unique Web Site Publication Visitors......... 31,894

Web Site Publication pages viewed (hits)..... 500,000

Registered for monthly youth ministry e-mailing....... 371

Reinvested Dividends: We strive to see dividends reinvested, in other words to see people whose lives have been impacted by our lives and ministries in turn impact others around them. Here are some specific examples of "reinvesting of dividends":

  • Mentor/friend relationship (2 year) with part time youth leader Veronica Dominguez. Veronica now writes a practical, biblical column for the web site, teaches in our conferences, develops active bible studies of her own for the website, and is training a group of leaders in her home church.

  • Mentor/friend relationship (2 year) with Jorge Bernaldez, a young man who is teaching biblical values courses in universities and other secular settings all over Mexico. Jorge has spoken to over 10,000 students, parents and faculty in an entire state high school and University system. He has also been asked to present his values teaching before up-and-coming political leaders and workers' unions. He calls us his Christian mom and dad ?.

  • Mentor/friend relationship (3 year) with full time youth leader J.C. Flores Marker. JC writes a column on arts and publishes scripts for drama and clown groups for the web site. His contributions and faithful e-mail correspondence have generated incredible enthusiasm and participation from people around the world.

  • Mentor/friend relationship (3 years) with college student and former youth group president Nahum Leon. Nahum began an evangelistic Bible study on his college campus in which 5 students asked Christ to be their lord and savior. And while we've been in the U.S. on furlough, he and two other leaders have been developing Bible studies, leading the local youth group, and discipling younger students.

  • Developed from scratch a Internet publication team of 5 columnists, 1 graphic artist, 1 programmer, 1 secretary and more than 10 contributors from all over Latin America.

Thank You for Your Faithful Support & Friendship

Annette & Tim

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