Merry Christmas / Feliz Navidad from Tim & Annette Gulick

Eggnog, but no Christmas Cookies

There is snow on the volcano and the figs have all dropped off the tree. This is how nature says, "Christmas is near" where we live. Our church just had a Christmas pageant, and every night the sound of fireworks send our dogs into the far corner of their doghouse. Groups of Mexicans are going from house to house singing and eating in memory of Mary and Joseph's door-to-door search for an obliging inn-keeper in Bethlehem
(these roaming parties are called "Posadas" - meaning, lodgings)

After two years in this colorful latin culture, Annette and I are just beginning to learn what Christmas means for Mexicans. The details are different - no Christmas cookies or hot spiced cider - but the big picture is the same... togetherness, food, joy, gifts and celebration of the One who's birth is significant enough to cause all of this change of life's rhythm each year.

Our hope is that this letter finds you truly enjoying family and friends. And if not...well, you can always go rent "The Grinch that Stole Christmas" and string some popcorn.